When Unbelief Rejects
Two travelers returned to Jerusalem and found the disciples hiding in a room on that first day of the week. They were excited! They had walked and talked with the resurrected Jesus. And they were not believed by those cowering disciples.
Jesus’ disciples had followed Him throughout Galilee and Judea for three years. He had told them repeatedly that He would die and be resurrected (See Matthew 16:21; Matthew 20:18-19).
Before Jesus died:
The disciples did not understand that Jesus was being literal about future events. Many today, do not understand that many of God’s words are about future events and they reject the warnings God gives through the Holy Bible.
After Jesus was buried:
Two disciples had seen that the body of Jesus was not in the tomb, one believed and the other did not. (See John 20:1-9)
After Jesus’ resurrection:
The group of disciples had heard from Mary Magdalene and other women that the resurrected Jesus had appeared and talked with Mary Magdalene and they rejected her eye-witness account. (See Luke 24:11)
Then the disciples heard from these two people that Jesus had walked with them on the way to Emmaus. (See Luke 24:13-35)
Think about the reaction of these unbelieving disciples as they are behind locked doors (See John 20:19):
(NASB) Luke 24:36-37 “While they were telling these things, He Himself stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be to you.”
37 But they were startled and frightened and thought that they were seeing a spirit.”
Why were they startled and frightened? Wouldn’t you be if a person you loved had died, then suddenly and physically, stood in your presence at this moment?
This group of people reacted from unbelief. They had been told by various witnesses throughout that first day of the week about the actual resurrection of Jesus…and they had rejected the truth.
Today people also tell of how God has worked, and is working, in their lives…and they are not believed. Or the truth of the reality of God is rejected for any number of reasons.
What proofs of Jesus’ resurrection have you rejected? Or perhaps not rejected, but simply do not believe?
Unbelief rejects truth. Truth is uncomfortable and so becomes relative. Truth is irrelevant to many in today’s world. But does that make it untrue?
Belief in the God of the Bible means believing God’s word is true.
The action of belief does not reject God’s truth.