Tumultuous day
Simon Peter and John, early in the morning, had run to the tomb and found it empty…Jesus’ body was not there, but the grave clothes were!
Mary Magdalene had come and told the disciples, “I have seen the Lord!”
And she gave them a message from Jesus Christ, “I am returning to My Father and to your Father, to My God and your God.”
That evening, the disciples gathered secretly…they came out of hiding to be together, they made sure that the door was locked. (Remember, they were filled with fear that the religious authorities would hunt them down and imprison them, even killing them as Jesus had been killed.)
THEN…THEN, Jesus came and stood among them (even with the door securely locked). The disciples were overjoyed”…what other word could describe that first meeting with Jesus, the Resurrected Lord?
On that first day of the week, the first words of Jesus were, “Peace be with you!” (See John 20:19-20)
The disciples’ tumultuous day had gone from an unsure hope (Mary Magdalene’s message)”…to fear (of the Jews)…to one of being overjoyed (Jesus’ actual, resurrected presence).
The disciples’ hope went from being unsure to one of certain hope. This week’s devotionals will explore “hope of the world and of followers of Christ.
Upon who or what do you base your hope, even your life?