Before sunrise, a meeting had been called for the purpose of a “˜kangaroo”™ court. (See Mark 14:53) This large body of Jewish leaders had been gotten out of bed and called to meet at the house of Caiaphas, the high priest. The outcome of this “˜trial”™ was already determined”¦Jesus was to die.

Men seemed to be in control”¦but God had planned for this time when He promised Messiah to sinful Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. (See Genesis 3:15)

Jesus was not surprised. He had prepared Himself by praying and accepting His Father”™s will in the Garden of Gethsemane.(See Matthew 26:36-44)

The turmoil of that hastily called meeting must have been felt by all who attended.

Turmoil may be a part of your life this day”¦but just as Jesus was not surprised about what was happening then, He is not surprised by what is happening today in your life. Jesus said in (NASB) John 14:1 “DO NOT let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.”

Terror must have produced tumultuous thoughts as Peter followed the guards from the house of Annas to the house of Caiphas. How Peter must have had thoughts that were tumbling through his mind as he sat among those same guards to warm himself at their fire in the chill of the early morning hours before sunrise.

The terror of circumstances over which you have no control”¦remember what Jesus had told Peter at the Last Supper:

Jesus had foretold of Peter”™s three denials of Him then followed them up with “DO NOT let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.”

When turmoil and terror enter into your life”¦remember Jesus”™ words of comfort”¦ (NASB) John 14:1 “DO NOT let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.”

Turmoil and terror are transcended

by turning to the Lord in prayer, believing!