Jesus had taught His disciples for three years, He had taught them how to live above the common ways of people who do not follow God.

Jesus, during His trials, lived out His words. What a way to live out your faith! Live by putting Jesus”™ words into practice”¦every day.

Jesus told Annas that He had taught openly, transparently in the temple and throughout Israel.

Those teachings included:

(NASB) John 15:18-21 “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.

19 “˜If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.

20 “˜Remember the word that I said to you, “˜A slave is not greater than his master.”™ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.

21 “˜But all these things they will do to you for My name”™s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.”

There are followers of Christ who are imprisoned for their faith today. These Christians are persecuted for not renouncing their faith in the living Lord Jesus Christ. Imprisonment, torture, abuse, rape”¦all have been documented”¦today.

Those who are followers of Christ need to be praying for these sisters and brothers in Christ”¦in Iran, China, India, Somalia, the Philippines, and in many other nations. It takes courage to become a follower of Christ”¦pray for them.

Gao, a lawyer who used the court system to fight for Christians in China, has disappeared for over a year. His family believes he is still alive”¦somewhere.

In Iran, two young women were imprisoned because of their belief in Jesus Christ”¦theyalso were tortured for their faith. They have now been released. These names and cases are documented on Voice of the Martyrs.

Living out your faith takes courage and reliance upon the living God for strength to endure”¦whatever your circumstances.