When Jesus has asked you to watch and pray”¦how have you responded? Has He found you sleeping? If your answer is “˜Yes”™”¦then you have an opportunity to change. You can choose to do as He asks or you can say “˜No”™ to Him.

When we ignore the Lord Jesus Christ, we are walking away from Him”¦we have made a choice against Him. If we continue to ignore or reject the living God, our hearts become harder and harder”¦the wall becomes thicker and stronger between God and us. His voice will become fainter and fainter; our desire to spend time with Him will go away.

When I ask the Lord to give me a hungering desire for Him and His word, He answers with just that! He gives me the desire to put aside whatever is keeping me from spending time studying His word, praying His word, and living His word.

(NASB) Matthew 26:40 “And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping”¦”

If Jesus has found you sleeping”¦ask Him to give you a deep hunger for Himself.

Study His word.

Pray His word.

Live His word.