Often I ignore what another is actually saying when I don”™t understand, or have other things on my mind. Do you do this too?

Many times pre-supposition and assumptions are not realistic. The truth is ignored or side-stepped from what is really being stated.

Fear or grief or self-pity or even arrogance may ignore the meaning of what some else is saying.

Jesus interacted with His disciples and spoke to them of many things before He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot. At least three of the men asked Him a question or made a statement.

Thomas”™ question showed he did not understand Jesus”™ words in John 14:5. Philip wanted Jesus to show him the Father in John 14:8 (and Jesus had been doing that for three years!). Judas (NOT Judas Iscariot) had a question which also shows his lack of understanding.

No question is a wrong question”¦NOT listening for the answer to your question”¦that is the problem.

We are focusing on how we feel or how we will be impacted and thus we do not listen.

(NASB) John 16:5-6 “But now I am going to Him who sent Me; and none of you asks Me, “˜Where are you going?”™

6 but because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart.”

What grief or fear or thoughts turned inward or bravado keeps you from listening? What keeps you from hearing what Christ Jesus has to say to you?

Listen after asking your question”¦