Go to any book store and you will find books that speak of “˜Spirituality”™. People have a desire to be spiritual. Seeking spiritual things can be different from seeking the living God. Spirituality is not necessarily about the God of the Bible.

From my own personal experience, my confidence is in God Who continued to seek me even after I turned from seeking Him. I even told Him that I would not continue to look for Him. However, He did not give up on me”¦

You can know that He is seeking you (for you are important to Him)”¦and you also can ask Him to give you a desire to know Him better than you now do.

How much time do you have to seek God? You and I have no idea. This is why we need to seek God to know Him better. This is why we need to be telling others of Jesus”™ loving sacrifice for them. No one knows how much time we have left (whether through our own mortality or when Christ Jesus will come again).

Philip was one of Jesus”™ disciples who said to Him:

(NASB) John 14:8-9 “Philip said to Him, “˜Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”™

9 Jesus said to him, “˜Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, “˜Show us the Father”™?”

Was Jesus”™ voice tinged with disappointment as He talked with Philip? Jesus had patience with His disciples and He has patience with you and me”¦He knows how much time is left to know Him better here on earth. He knew that when He talked with Philip, He had a few short hours remaining before His death. How much time do we have? We don”™t know, but this is known, we need to seek Him to know Him.