Why do you go to church? Is it for the social interaction and perhaps a show of piety?

When you enter a church sanctuary”¦how do you go in to that place of worship of the living God of the Bible? Is it with a sense of worship?

How are you teaching your children to respect and reverence God in the sanctuary? Is it with conduct that shows respect and reverence for God?

What does the term “˜house of prayer”™ indicate about the God of the Bible?

The prophet Isaiah gave God”™s words in Isaiah 56:7 “For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.”

*NOTE: “˜all peoples”™ ““ that”™s us! Jews and Gentiles ““ all peoples! God is inclusive not exclusive.

(NIV) Luke 19:45 “Then he entered the temple area and began driving out those who were selling.”

Jesus”™ righteous anger judged the unfair pricing of those selling sacrificial animals used to worship God. God had established the Feast of Passover in Exodus 12:1-20. And people took advantage of God”™s commandment to sell the animals at an exorbitant price.

Jesus was certainly not a mild-mannered man at this time. He confronted and threw out those unscrupulous men.

(NIV) Luke 19:46 “”˜It is written”™, he said to them, “˜My house will be a

House of prayer”™; but you have made it “˜a den of robbers.”™”

Jesus”™ righteous anger was not against Rome or King Herod, His anger was directed at the wrong use of the temple area”¦it was to be a place of prayer to the living God.

Who were these “˜robbers”™ really robbing, was it the worshipers? Yes, but weren”™t they also robbing God of His rightful worship?

Jesus revealed His identity”¦when He called the Temple “˜My house”™!

The next time you go to church, how will you enter the sanctuary?