What if”¦you are highly educated? What if”¦you have an above average IQ? What if”¦you are wealthy or you have a position of power? What if”¦none of these things are of any importance when you “˜pass on”™ or die?

What will assure you of going into the presence of God? The Psalmist asked important questions:

(NIV) Psalm 15:1 “Lord, WHO may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill?”

Jesus began His Sermon on the Mount with the prerequisites of entering into God”™s presence:

Blessed”¦when you recognize who you are in comparison to the living God.

Blessed”¦when you recognize your need to mourn because of your sins.

Blessed”¦when you recognize your need to yield to God and what He says.

Blessed”¦when you recognize your desires are to be righteous before God.

Blessed”¦when you recognize your need to be merciful because you need God”™s mercy.

Blessed”¦when you recognize you need to be morally pure.

Blessed”¦when you recognize you need to be a peacemaker and not stirring up dissension.

Blessed”¦when you recognize opposition and persecution because you are a follower of Christ.

(NIV) Psalm 15:1 “Lord, WHO may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill?”

There is only One Man Who is “˜good enough”™”¦Who was the perfect Man”¦the Lord Jesus Christ”¦fully Man, fully God.

We need Jesus for we sin against God, over and over again. We need God”™s forgiveness, His grace, and His means of being saved from His anger (because of our sins).

When Jesus gave His Sermon on the Mount ““ He began it with the Beatitudes. It is impossible for anyone to keep all that which Jesus taught. The demands of this sermon cannot be done in our own strength, in our own willpower.

Your powers are not enough”¦no matter your position, your wealth, your education, your intellect”¦it is impossible to be “˜good enough”™ before God without the Lord Jesus Christ. It is through the Lord Jesus Christ anyone can live in the presence of God. God has graciously provided the way anyone can live on His holy hill”¦and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives.

Will you be Living in God”™s Presence”¦through the Lord Jesus?