The dictionary defines the word “˜meek”™ as: 1. Showing patience and humility; long-suffering.

Being meek is not being a weak person; meekness can be defined as “˜strength under control”™.

Jesus spoke of meekness as a good thing”¦He was saying that true meekness is not wimpy or without “˜backbone”™. Think about Moses, the KJV

Bible states: “Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)” Numbers 12:3

Other versions of the Bible use the word “˜humble”™ in place of meek. Both mean the same thing in this instance.

Moses was a man who had yielded himself to God. He recognized his true position in relation to God. God in turn used Moses in a mighty way in the lives and history of Israel. Moses was the man God chose to lead approximately two million slaves out of Egypt to become the nation of Israel. Moses was not a meek man toward those he led. He was a man who needed the qualities of meekness: strength under control and patience, as he led a group of people who were often disgruntled (who actually complained much of the time) for forty years in the desert.

Jesus said in the Beatitudes at the beginning of His Sermon on the Mount:

(NIV) Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”

God promises Christ”™s followers a blessing when we are meek before the living God ““ He is the One to Whom we are to submit, yield and worship.