How do you react to another person”™s anger toward you? Do you get angry and seek ways to have revenge?

How do you react when someone rejects you? Do your hurt feelings cause you to become defensive, which leads to words and actions that further alienate you from that person?

Jesus went to His hometown, Nazareth and read from Isaiah”™s prophecy about Messiah”¦and then He said in that synagogue, “˜Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” (See Luke 4:21)

What a buzz that must have started among the worshipers! “˜Isn”™t this Joseph”™s son?”™ “˜Isn”™t He a carpenter?”™ “˜Isn”™t He Mary”™s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon?”™ “˜Aren”™t His sisters here with us?”™ Who does He think He is? (See Mark 6:3; Luke 4:22)

(NASB) Luke 4:23 “And He said to them, “˜No doubt you will quote this proverb to Me, “˜Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we heard was done at Capernaum, do here in your hometown as well.”™”

Did these hometown folks want Jesus to “˜perform”™ for them? Did they believe that He was the Messiah?

Jesus used two examples of God working through two of Israel”™s beloved prophets; Elijah and Elisha”¦both of these men had helped and healed Gentiles, not needy Jews, hundreds of years before that moment in His hometown synagogue.

How did these “˜good folk”™ react? They reacted with rage and rejected Jesus by trying to kill Him. they laid hold of Jesus and forced Him to the edge of Nazareth”™s cliff to throw Him down. (NASB) Luke 4:30 “But passing through their midst, He went on His way.”

In the Gospel of Mark 6:3-6, Jesus was rejected because of the people”™s

lack of faith.

How are believers to deal with rage and anger?

(NIV) James 1:19-20 “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20for man”™s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”

(underlining added)

Rage and anger may express your feelings

but does not show a godly, righteous life.

Rage and rejection cannot be at one

with a righteous, godly response.