Jesus had finished teaching the people on shore as he sat in Simon”™s fishing boat on Lake Gennesaret in Galilee.

Jesus said to Simon, “˜Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”™”

Simon and his fishing partners had spent all night fishing. This was their job and they had lots of experience. That morning they had been cleaning their nets when Jesus asked Simon to put a little way off shore so the people could hear and see Him better as He taught the word of God.

Simon acknowledged Jesus as Master, and then he gave the circumstances of last night”¦no schools of fish were out there last night and certainly not today. However, Simon acquiesced to Jesus”™ request. He and his brother (who was one of his partners in the fishing business) went into the deeper waters and let down their nets.

Then fish came in abundance”¦so great was the number of fish that the nets began to break. Simon signaled their partners to come help them. So the second boat came and it too was filled until it almost sank.

Simon Peter fell down at the feet of Jesus saying, (NASB) “˜Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”™

Simon was gripped by a bewildering amazement similar to terror ““ because of the haul of fish. Not only Simon but also his partners in the other boat, James and John, these seasoned fishermen could not explain the abundance of fish other than it was a miracle performed by Jesus.

Jesus said, “˜Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men.”™

When both boats finally made it to shore”¦these four partners left everything and followed Jesus. (See Luke 5:1-11)

What is Jesus calling you to do?

What do you need to do to follow Jesus?

What do you need to leave in order to follow Jesus?

How are you to follow Jesus?

Isn”™t it to trust Him to lead you, isn”™t it to believe God”™s words as you read them day by day?

What is Jesus calling you to do?

What Jesus calls you to do;

He will supply you with what you need.