God works uniquely in the lives of His children. The circumstances He used to bring you and me into belief in His Son as our Savior is different; we are unique in His sight. Each follower of Christ”™s story is important.

Remember how He has worked in our lives ““ it is God Whom we are to credit for saving us from sin, death and Satan.

God”™s ways have variety ““ we are individuals and He delights in you and me.

He knows how you are different from all others. God is great and greatly to be praised!

Let”™s re-cap four of Jesus”™ disciples whom we have studied recently. He called these men to believe in Him and follow Him.

John the Baptist pointed two of his disciples to look at Jesus ““ “˜Look, the Lamb of God!”™ These two spent time with Jesus. (See John 1:35-36)

Andrew spent the better part of a day with Jesus and the first thing he did after this was to find his brother Simon. He was excited! “˜We have found the Messiah!”™ And Simon went with Andrew to meet Jesus.

(See John 1:41)

Jesus found Philip and called him to “˜Follow Me.”™ (See John 1:45)

Philip found his friend Nathanael and introduced this scoffer to Jesus. (See John 1:45)

Nathanael believed Jesus”™ words, not his friend, Philip”™s words.

Remember, God will work differently in other”™s lives from how He has worked in your life. Each person is important to God.

Should we not be encouraged to pray, and to invite, and to pray some more for others to meet Jesus?