Nathanael”¦Part One
Josh McDowell was challenged and determined, while in college, to prove Jesus was not Who He said He was. He delved into the Scriptures, mining the depths of God”™s word. Because of that intense study of Scripture, Josh became convinced through the proofs given and the truth of God”™s word. This took time ““ about two years of time.
Lee Strobel is a lawyer. He wanted the facts, just the facts, and he too was a scoffer and a skeptic of Who Jesus Is. He met with people all across the country and asked hard questions of their belief in the Lord Jesus. He too became a follower of Christ.
Both men became convinced of God”™s truths for themselves. They did not just take what one person said and believe in Jesus as their Savior.
Scoffers should not be argued with ““ just invited to “˜come and see”™ for themselves about Who Jesus Is. This is what Philip did with his scoffing friend, Nathanael.
(NASB) John 1:45 “Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “˜We have found Him of whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote ““ Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”™”
Philip had believed and had accepted Jesus”™ call to “˜Follow Me.”™ Then Philip set out to find Nathanael.
(NASB) John 1:46 “Nathanael said to him, “˜Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”™ Philip said to him, “˜Come and see.”™”
Some people are more difficult to reach than others. What do we need to remember when we want others to know how wonderful Jesus is? Praying for them, living out our belief in Jesus as much as we are able.
What are some of the ways in which scoffers react to”¦anything?
They are into “˜put-downs”™, taking on a superior attitude, having negative responses to whatever is presented to them, and having a first response of criticism. You may think of other things to add to this list.
Scoffers should not be argued with ~
they should be invited to:
Come and see!