God”™s Judgment

The following is a scenario you may be able to relate to: You are walking through your day and you receive advice that does not come from a person who puts Christ first in their life. What do you do in this instance? Do you choose not to walk with those who give ungodly advice? […]

Excuses Are “˜Reasons”™ Which Have No Merit

(NASB) Matthew 3:7 “But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, “˜You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? John was doing the job which God had sent him to do”¦preparing hearts of his hearers for Messiah. To know God”™s […]

Producing Spiritual Fruit Requires Repentance

What disturbs leaders of governments and religions? There are probably lots of things but two will be mentioned: 1- When what is being taught and/or spoken is in opposition to their agendas. 2- When what is being said draws people away from their power base and control. The religious leaders of Israel went out to […]

Confession of Sins Requires Humility

Uriah Heep is an oily, creepy character created by Charles Dickens in “˜David Copperfield”™. Mr. Dickens has successfully described false humility through this character. False humility hides agendas which are centered on self and self-indulgence. False humility and self-indulgence are not godly characteristics. John the Baptist displayed the exact opposite”¦he lived out true humility before […]

Prepared Hearts for Messiah

When you are on a country road, many times there will be curves making it impossible to see on-coming traffic. Hills may be a part of that road. Our lives are like those kinds of roads, curves come at us (and sometimes we are blindsided by life). Hills of emotions give life endless ups and […]

God”™s Forgiveness Needed

Some people like “˜lists”™. They make grocery lists, “˜to do”™ lists, lists for various needs for parties and social functions, lists made for the work day, and the list goes on. One list that should be kept short concerns those things that are in my life that God does not like. When I commit, or […]

True Repentance!

Spiritual indicators reveal our relationship to, and with, God. Doesn”™t our relationship to God begin with honesty? Don”™t we need to be open to being honest with ourselves and then being honest before God? So many times we deceive ourselves”¦we give “˜reasons”™ we should do or not do something. At times we may even decide […]

Precious Memories!

Scrapbooking is popular ““ and fun. Pictures are chosen, cropped and placed with pleasing colored papers, then adhered to a page in an album. Names, dates, places and events are noted somewhere on the page to be able to recall at a later date why those pictures were chosen. Meaningful times and events are captured […]

Jesus Understood!

Think about the impressiveness of Jesus at the age of 12: (NASB) Luke 2:49 “And He said to them, “˜Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father”™s house?”™” Jesus understood Who He was”¦the Son of God Jesus understood Who His Father was”¦ […]

Amazed, Astonished, Surprised!

A boy, about four, was having a ball running around in a large circle. The parents and older brother were looking for him on the path which approached the Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern Colorado. The sand dunes are huge and cover a large area. It would be almost impossible to find anyone […]