The Shepherds”™ Job
Everyone has a job ““ whether in the work place or in their home; whether actively making a living or retired; whether a responsibility in the community or church ““ everyone has a job of some sort. Doing our job is within our ability to do what will be a blessing to others.
The webmaster of this devotional blesses those who read it with his expertise. The editor is faithful in doing her job and many are blessed.
The jobs we do should be prayerfully done for God”™s glory alone.
The shepherds were just doing their jobs”¦
(NASB) Luke 2:8 “In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night.”
A good reporter includes the following:
Who: the shepherds
Who are you? What is your job title?
Where: near Bethlehem, in a field
Where do you “˜do”™ your job? Is it in an office or on the road, is it in a home or even a field?
What: the shepherds were watching their flocks.
What do you do in your job?
The shepherds were on the look-out for wild animals and thieves; they were alert to the needs of the sheep. What are you looking for as you do your job?
When: the shepherds were on the midnight shift.
When do you begin your work day?
Why? The shepherds were in charge of the sheep which were used in the temple as sacrifices.
Why do you do what you do, what is the purpose of your job?
How? How were they doing their job?
Nothing is said if the shepherds were doing their jobs well or not ““
Nothing is said if the shepherds were feeling well or not ““
Nothing is said if it was cold or not
But “˜keeping watch”™ ““ these men were just doing their job”¦
How do you do your job? Are you just “˜there”™? Or are you doing your responsibility as if you are serving the Lord Jesus?
When you do your job, taking responsibility for your work ““ do you focus on doing it with excellence?
Do you focus on how you are feeling and perhaps finding that as an excuse not to do what is needed (I am not saying to overdo, especially if physically ill).
Your job and mine is important ““ and through our responsibilities we are to witness to our God.
God was going to send His messenger to these shepherds ““ as they were doing their jobs.
God meets us in the ordinary routines of life to deliver an extraordinary message ““ and He is still sending us His message.
Are you listening?