There are courses in colleges and universities that teach the foundations of math, science, literature, and numerous other subjects. Foundations are important places to start in order to build understanding of a subject. So much that is taught in the places of education come from professors and instructors who are in opposition to the Biblical perspective. Pitfalls of many beliefs which are antagonistic toward Biblical Christianity are evident in our universities and our society.

Our young men and women attending universities and colleges need our prayers. Godly men and women need to take a stand that does not back down from faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in the face of opposition.

Who do you know who needs to be remembered in prayer as they are bombarded with the belief systems that are not Biblically based? There is no time like this moment to pray for them.

Foundations of our faith will be built upon as we implement God”™s truth in our lives day by day. It is not just head knowledge but a living out what we believe. God”™s truths are for real living and real thinking. The reality of Christianity is to be seen in our lives”¦which come from our foundation of faith in the living God of the Holy Bible.

Zacharias was speaking God”™s words as he prophesied concerning Messiah ““ a song which pointed to God working in the reality of lives [yours and mine are included!].

(NASB) Luke 1:70-71 “As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of old ““

71 Salvation from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us;”

What has occurred which affects every aspect of our lives? Is it not sin ““ disobedience against God and what He has said? Our sins are in enmity against God. We are all guilty (See Romans 3:23); no one is spared from true guilt. We need to be saved and God, this great God, has provided His Son to save us from our sins. (See John 3:16-17)

God has given His prophets the words of warning which we need and He has done this “from of old”. Do not be deceived or misled, we have enemies and are truly hated because we are the children of God. But God has provided our salvation from our enemies”¦we need Jesus!

To have a more complete understanding of God in the New Testament, we need to have knowledge of the Old Testament. The history, the laws, the sacrificial system, the prophecies, all point to the Lord Jesus Christ ““ God has given us pictures through the rites and the laws to help us understand Himself and the salvation He has provided for you and me.

How are you building on the foundations of your faith in the God of the Bible?

Prayer is a place to start”¦