One person I know makes a list of things “˜to-do’ for the day. Before he retired he was known as a person who was diligent and a “˜go-to’ guy who would accomplish what needed to be done. His method of operation was…doing the most disagreeable thing first and by the end of the day he would finish his list with those things that gave him the most pleasure. Why not try to do that in your work day, today? Difficult assignments get done with excellence when you are the most rested and mentally sharp.

Boaz also tackled a difficult situation early in the day.

(NASB) Ruth 4:1 “NOW BOAZ went up to the gate and sat down there, and behold, the close relative of whom Boaz spoke was passing by, so he said, “˜Turn aside, friend, sit down here.’ And he turned aside and sat down.”

***Boaz was true to his word to Ruth. And he did it as soon as possible. He did not procrastinate. He did what he said he would do. He went to the place where he could begin the legal process and waited for the man who was the closest relative to Naomi.

People trust those who have shown

that they are worthy of their trust.

Do others trust your word? Have your actions proven that what you say is true? Perhaps there is someone with whom you did not follow through on a promise and you need to ask forgiveness.

Only you and I can forfeit our integrity

and we do it with our words and actions.

First Boaz went to the town gate (that was the same as a town hall for business and legal transactions). Then he waited for the right man to come by. He invited this unnamed kinsman-redeemer to sit with him. Boaz was friendly, courteous, open and known for his reliability and truthfulness. Boaz had an impeccable reputation, one that he had earned through many situations throughout his life.

Does your reputation speak well of you or do you need to make some changes that may be painful, but necessary?

When Christ Jesus is the One to Whom we look to for guidance through His word in the Bible, we will be shown how we are to treat others. We are shown how much we need His forgiveness and help in our daily interactions with other people (whether they believe in Him or not).

What is on your “˜to-do’ list today? What will you choose to do first? The hardest or most disagreeable thing and leave the “˜fun’ things afterward?

Look to Jesus Christ for the help to do the disagreeable things first.

How shall you now pray?