Troubles follow when willful disobedience to wise advice is lived out. Influence of friends and people who lure us into acts that are blatantly ungodly reveal our heart attitudes of rebellion. This rebellion is against the protection of authority God has placed in our lives.

Ruth could have rebelled against Naomi’s advice and Boaz’ counsel, but she didn’t. Naomi had given her permission to look for work in the harvest fields so she and Ruth would have food to eat. She had worked all day and then had come home. Naomi questioned her, where did you work? And Ruth answered:

(NASB) Ruth 2:21 “Then Ruth the Moabitess said, “˜Furthermore, he said to me, “˜You should stay close to my servants until they have finished all my harvest.'”

***Boaz had given her protection when he invited Ruth to stay in his fields until the harvest was finished.

How has God protected you in the work place? Perhaps you have had a mentor who has given you wise advice…what a blessing! Wise mentors have your best interests in mind as they give you experienced wisdom.

(NASB) Ruth 2:22 “Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law, “˜It is good, my daughter, that you go out with his maids, so that others do not fall upon you in another field.'”

***Naomi’s wise response also gave further confirmation to Ruth – to stay with the women working in Boaz’ field. Wisdom is to think about the practical and logical matters in life. Being realistic about human nature is wise. Girls and young women, as well as women of any age, should be aware of possible situations that could be a danger to them. Realistic views of life and how others think and act are to be weighed when giving and taking sound advice. Keep your eyes wide open all the time…choose mentors, friends and family who are honest, protective and loving in giving counsel.

No matter how wise Boaz and Naomi’s foresight was, if Ruth had not listened and followed through, she would not have been blessed with protection and provision, and neither would you or I.

(NASB) Ruth 2:23 “So she stayed close by the maids of Boaz in order to glean until the end of the barley harvest and the wheat harvest. And she lived with her mother-in-law.”

God works through people for His purposes to be fulfilled.

The stubborn “˜I will’ should never take predominance over wise advice.

Whom do you turn to for wise counsel and advice? Do you listen and then do what you want anyway OR do you make a sound decision that will require yielding to another’s counsel?

How shall you now pray?