In today’s society, courtesy and respect are becoming harder to observe. One example is driving habits. Turn signals are not often used, and when they are, they are turned on as the driver makes the turn and not before. Other discourteous driving habits are cutting off a driver by pulling into their lane, or “˜squeezing’ into the next lane just to get ahead one or two car lengths. What about the car who turns into a lane of moving traffic without looking? Then there is the habit of talking on a cell phone and not being as alert to traffic. Distractions cause accidents.Discourteous behavior can cause accidents ending in injuries and even death.

Being courteous begins with…you and me.

Boaz was a godly man and proved his character by his courteous and considerate attitude toward Ruth.

(NASB) Ruth 2:14 “At mealtime Boaz said to her, “˜Come here, that you may eat of the bread and dip your piece of bread in the vinegar.’ So she sat beside the reapers; and he served her roasted grain, and she ate and was satisfied and had some left.”

***Boaz invited Ruth to eat with him, he offered her food. He was personally involved with Ruth’s needs. He did not set himself up as superior to his workers, he was seated among them. He maintained his dignity as the land-owner; he did not give away his position by his kindness.

How does Ruth come across in this scene? Ruth’s character is seen in her humility and gratefulness as she accepted Boaz’ courtesy.

What could be a reason that Boaz singled Ruth out and personally attended to her?

He was a kinsman of Naomi through her husband. Ruth was a foreigner and he showed her hospitality. He was also an example to his workers that Ruth was to be included. Boaz is shown for his generosity in supplying food to his workers.

And another point about Ruth: she ate her fill and had some left over. Ruth ate what was needed; she ate until she was satisfied.

(NASB) Ruth 2:15 “When she rose to glean, Boaz commanded his servants, saying, “˜Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not insult her.'”

***What is another example that you and I can imitate from “˜watching’ Ruth in this scene? She did not linger or take pride in being singled out by the owner as a dinner partner. She rose and went back to work.

How many times do you and I “˜dawdle’ at a meal so we don’t have to go back to work?

Boaz showed courtesy to Ruth. Who do you need to consciously show courtesy to as you go through your day?

Courtesy is kindness in action.

As you drive in rush hour traffic, choose courtesy, no matter how other drivers show their discourtesy toward you.

As you push a grocery cart down aisles that are busy with tired Moms and weary Dads and disgruntled baby-sitters…choose courtesy…

Courtesy is one way

to acknowledge that you are a follower of Christ in the world.

How shall you now pray?