Inter-office relationships impact jobs, performance and productivity. God’s word gives direction and focus for this very situation in which you may be today.

By inserting the word “˜employee’ in place of slave and “˜employer’ in place of master, paraphrasing the following verses from Ephesians 6:5-6 could read “˜Employees’, be obedient to those who are your employers according to the flesh with sincerity of heart. Not only doing your job when your employer is present for kudos to be given to you; but you are to do your job as a follower of Christ, doing God’s will from your heart in your place of work.

How often do you take personal phone calls that keep you from giving your best for your job responsibility? How often do you “˜chat’ with other employees about subjects unrelated to the job? Isn’t it stealing from those who pay you when you do not use your time in a productive manner while at work?

Employers also have responsibility to think about the work load that is given to employees. There are unjust and unfair practices that demoralize workers.

Employers and employees should assess their work habits

and inter-office relationships with God’s standards.

Boaz was an employer who is an example to follow as he went to his fields that were being harvested.

(NASB) Ruth 2:5 “Then Boaz said to his servant who was in charge of the reapers, “˜Whose young woman is this?'”

***Boaz went to his foreman in charge of the laborers. He trusted this person to be competent, informative and honest in assessment of the workers.

What did Boaz, as an employer, give as a positive role model?

  • 1- He hired people he could trust in responsible positions.

  • 2- He trusted his foreman to give him the asked-for information. He kept the line of command in place (he did not by-pass his chain of command).

  • 3- He knew his employees, their names and faces; and he expected his foreman to know them also.

  • 4- His question to his foreman was not one of challenge but seeking information.

  • 5- He provided a restful place for breaks and did not begrudge his workers those breaks.

Boaz knew his personnel and was personally involved in those who worked in his fields. Boaz was a godly man whose relationships were put into action with his foreman and workers.

If you are in a work environment where volunteers are used, do you know them and treat them with grateful respect also?

Tomorrow’s devotional will deal with the foreman’s responsibility as well as that of the workers.

According to Ephesians 6:5-7; employer-employee relationships are to be directly related to Christ Jesus as Master.

Employer-employee relationships and how you do your job

will reflect on your service to the Lord Jesus Christ.

How shall you now pray?