God doesn’t let us get away with sin.

Jacob’s history:  Jacob had manipulated Esau into giving him the birthright of the eldest son.  He had deceived his father into giving him a blessing.  A blessing Isaac intended to give to Esau.  Jacob the deceiver became the deceived.  (Genesis 27-28) Jacob’s love story: (Genesis 29) Jacob’s destination was Haran where he intended to find […]

Beginning of faith in God – Making a Vow to God

Making a vow to God and keeping it may be two different things.  How often do you promise to do something; then never seem to follow through? Jacob made a vow to God. (NASB) Genesis 28:18-22 “So Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put under his head and […]

Recognize and Respond by Faith in God

Jacob woke up from a startling dream.  He realized that it was God speaking to him! How many times has God spoken to you and you haven’t recognized Him?  Perhaps you knew God wanted your attention, but you ignored Him. He speaks today through His word, through His followers, through the creation He brought into […]

Beginning of faith in God – your faith in God!

Jacob laid down for the night; he was traveling north to find a godly wife.  While he slept he had a dream.  A ladder was set on the earth reaching to heaven.  The angels of God were climbing the ladder and coming down the ladder. At the top of the ladder, there the Lord stood […]

Promise: agreement, a pledge

Have you ever been promised something and it did not happen?  Have you ever promised something and then did not keep your promise?  With whom have you made an agreement or a pledge and have not kept it?  Aren’t you thankful God is not like that?! God is the promise maker and He is the […]

The Unchanging, All-Powerful God: El Shaddai

The Lord uses many ways to get our attention.  Perhaps He is getting our attention through our circumstances, or through a friend, or through a family member.  What is He using to get your attention? Jacob left home and was traveling to find a godly wife.  Was this his idea?  Actually, it was not.  His […]

Behold – God!

What is the Lord using to get your attention?  For Jacob it was a dream of a ladder with angels going up to heaven and coming down to earth.  (Genesis 28:12) Is the Lord using your circumstances or people to get your attention onto Himself? How are you responding to the living God? *Believe: the […]

A Personal Encounter

The Lord God got Jacob’s attention through a dream.  His life to this point had not included God in a personal way.  God used the dream to reveal Himself in a marvelous and loving way to Jacob. (NASB) Genesis 28:12 “He had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top […]

The Living God Reveals Himself

How is the Lord God revealing Himself to you? For Jacob the living God revealed Himself through a dream.  Jacob left home and traveled until sundown… he found a place to spend the approaching night.  He found a stone for his head to rest on; lay down and went to sleep.  It was during the […]

A Prayer to the living God…

There are times we cry out to the living God in prayer… and there are times we don’t know how to pray. A wonderful way to pray is to use the Psalms.  Insert your own name into the Psalm as you pray.  Or insert the names the Lord brings to mind as you pray. (NASB) […]