Paul and Barnabas proclaimed the Lord Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah.  They extended salvation to all who believe in Him.  (Acts 13:23, 26)

The Gentiles rejoiced and glorified the word of the Lord believing and receiving eternal life.  (Acts 13:48)

How did the Pisidian Antioch Jews react?
(NASB) Acts 13:50“But the Jews incited the devout women of prominence and the leading men of the city, and instigated a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district.”

Some reading this devotional can relate to such persecution.  They have been driven from their homes and villages/cities because of faith in the living Lord Jesus Christ.

How did Paul and Barnabas react to such opposition and persecution?  They did what Jesus said to do in such a case.
(NASB) Matthew 10:14-15“Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet.
15‘Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city.”

And that is what those two men did.
(NASB) Acts 13:51 “But they shook off the dust of their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium.”

Moving on…is that what the Lord is leading you to do?  Moving on in your thinking, moving on in your reactions and responses to difficult circumstances.  Moving on…

How did the disciples react to opposition?
(NASB) Acts 13:52“And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”

Those disciples were not intimidated, not depressed.  They were triumphant because their focus was on the Lord Jesus Christ and His message of salvation.

Defeat and depression often comes from being focused on the problems, the difficult circumstances and people.

Triumph comes from focusing on the Lord Jesus Christ and trusting His word.

We are to be “Moving on…” going forward in the next step in our faith in our Savior and Lord.