If scrapbooking had been invented or available – Mary would have had a wonderful one to put together and treasure.  As it was she thought about the different experiences of Jesus’ conception and the intertwining circumstances of Zacharias and Elizabeth.

  No doubt the scrapbook would include the birth of Jesus and the presence of the shepherds.  Also included would be the circumcision of Jesus and presenting Him to God at the temple in Jerusalem.  There meeting Simeon and the prophetess Anna.

The scrapbook would not be complete without the coming of the Wise men from the East and fleeing into Egypt in the dead of night for Jesus to escape the sword of Herod the Great.  Their journey would take them back again to live in Nazareth.

Then there was the time of Jesus’ first Passover Feast and His staying behind in Jerusalem.

Since scrapbooking was not possible…
(NASB) Luke 2:51 “…and His mother treasured all these things in her heart.”

What are you treasuring in your heart concerning your experiences with Jesus?